Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sentence Correction

Sentence Correction:

This part of the test can be cracked by some rulez :) ... rules are everywhere in your life

RULE 1: SUBJECT Verb Agreement: 

Simple: Subject should agree with verb in number and person.

Number : Singular, Plural
Person: 1st , 2nd and 3rd

PS: if you do not know how to form a sentence ... please learn that first.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


GMAT in detail: Sectional breakdown...

VERBAL SECTION: In this section there will be 41 questions.

Question type 1: Sentence Correction
Question type 2: Critical Reasoning
Question type 3: Reading Comprehension

MATH section: 
Question type 1: Problem Solving
Question Type 2: Data Sufficiency.

AWA Section:
Question type 1: Analysis of an argument
Question type 2: Analysis of an Issue

Things you can do besides studing for GMAT:
1. join community service 
2. learn a foriegn language
3. learn some instrument
and so on ... this will improve your profile ....

Most Indians face problem with Verbal Section, so I will start with verbal section. 

In verbal section : Sentence Correction   :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


FACT 1: Think before you start: WHY MBA ? ( please do not convience yourself by saying MONEY :) , go deep because it matters. 

FACT 2: GMAT = (AWA + MATH + VERBAL) Analytical skill test.  It is adaptive means easy questions but low score for those who are not good and vice versa. So do not think that GMAT is tough. It depends upon you :). THIS TEST WILL ADJUST ITSELF FOR U. But at the end will show you where you stand.

FACT 3: WORK EX + GMAT SCORE = Admission. If you do not have much work -ex then 750+ will do for you. Don't worry be happy. GMATLAND has solution for evrything.

Now If you are in and ready to take the challenege go ahead else do not waste you time reading this blog further. Work hard money will follow you.